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Saturday, 2 October 2010


I haven't said anything here for a while so I thought it was about time.

Overall, my orthodontist is happy with the progress I am making post-op. The elastics have been working well and they have moved the jaw sideways into the correct position. Now, just a bit more elastic work is needed to move the jaw forward the last 0.5mm.

Next time I go (in about 5 weeks), he will grind away a tiny bit of my fron two teeth at the top because they are a little bit too wide in proportion with the rest of my teeth and mouth. It's only going to be a few tenths of a millimetre but it will look a lot better - hopefully.

3 months on and I still have no feeling in my bottom lip. I'm fairly sure that it's not going to comeback now but I've got used to it really. I just have to keep checking when I'm eating to make sure there's no food lurking there that would be embarrassing and my friends and family subtly tell me if there is so that's all fine.

One thing I'm not entirely happy about is the shape of my nose. It still bends to the left by what I consider a considerable amount. It looks more obvious in photos where I'm square on to the camera than it is in real life but I still don't like it. As well as looking off centre, it means my left nostril is narrower than my right which is very annoying when I have a cold because it blocks very easily.

I'll post again (maybe with some pics) after the 'Interdental Stripping' next month.

1 comment:

  1. Josh, did you ever get feeling back in your lip? Have you lost sensation elsewhere? What other complications have you had? I cannot decide if I want this surgery as it sounds too risky. My Dr told me I could possibly relapse as I meet the mold - 27 year old female with small condyles. Bummer.
