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Tuesday 30 March 2010

Third time lucky

So a month after I had my operation cancelled for the second time, I've finally got a new date. June 1st. It's after exams and everything so once I finish my last exam on May 28th, I'll have a couple of days to move out of my flat and get settled in at home before I go into hospital. Also, being right at the start of my sumer, I'll only have to start work 2 weeks after I finish uni rather than waiting a month or two for the operation before I can go back to Somerfield.

The thing is, I'm expecting it to be cancelled again. I'm not going to get my hopes this time because it's been cancelled twice already. I'll prepare for it and everything just in case but I'm 75% sure it will get cancelled again. Just a feeling.

That's all for now. I'm off to watch the Outnumbered boxset with my flatmates.

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