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Thursday 8 July 2010

Stitches and Pasta

I haven't written anything in a while now so I thought I should. Little has changed over the last week really. Swelling hasn't gone down much more and I still can't get my teeth together. On the plus side, I'm now eating dinner at the table with the rest of family because I can eat sitting up properly without dropping most of it down me. I have to cut it up really small and I can't chew anything but at least I'm getting somewhere. I've had pasta for the first time in two and a half weeks and I don't have to mash vegetables anymore.

My mouth is full of stitches from where Mr Surgeon sliced me to pieces and for the last couple of days they've been getting quite painful. I'm told that it's because they're pulling, whatever that means. I'm hoping that when I go to the orthodontist tomorrow, they'll be able to take them out. If not, I'll have to be referred back to the hospital and we all know what happens when I'm given a hospital appointment.

Check back tomorrow to see how the orthodontist went.

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